Project “School of Talents”

Erasmus + strategic partnership project "School of Talents"

(No. 2015-1-LV01-KA201-013390) Implementation period: September 1, 2015 – August 31, 2017

The project is financed by the “Erasmus+” program of the European Union

On December 12, 2019, this project was awarded
Erasmus+ program quality award “Wings”
in the nomination “Erasmus+ strategic partnership in the school education sector”.


The purpose of the project: by combining the experience and knowledge of several practitioners in the education sector, to develop the methodology “Teaching talented and innovative thinking at school: theory and practice” for application in elementary and primary schools.


The direct target groups of the project are elementary and primary school teachers, pedagogy students and lecturers who provide further education of pedagogues. By supplementing their range of knowledge with new methods and knowledge, the professional competences of the direct target group will be expanded, and educators, using the new knowledge in working with their students, will be able to improve the learning outcomes of students, reduce differences in learning outcomes and promote the quality of education in schools.

The relevance of the project is based on research that talent and talented thinking are not a coincidence and are not an innate quality, but a set of thought processes that can be learned by anyone. Teachers often focus on students with good results and gifted children in their work. On the other hand, less attention is paid to working with those students whose results are not at a particularly high level, which increases the differences in learning results between different students even more.

Therefore, the task of the project is to develop a methodology, the application of which in the work of pedagogues will promote the development of talented and innovative thinking of any student, regardless of previous learning achievements.

During the project, the existing training and specialist knowledge of the specialists of the participating organizations will be combined for the development of a unified methodology, as well as supplemented with new knowledge during the course of the work.

All materials created during the project will be available to interested parties free of charge.


Materials created during the project in Latvian, English, Estonian and Lithuanian languages ​​can be viewed and downloaded here >>>>

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