Contacts & Company's Details

Personnel Education Center “Agenda” is an adult education centre founded by “PAC Agenda” Ltd.
Reg. No. in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia: 3360800596

We most often organize open seminars in the seminar hall located at the following address:

Computer courses - in one of the computer classrooms of the Business School "Turība":

(the location of each open seminar is indicated at the end of the specific seminar description)

Company Details

SIA “PAC Agenda”
Reg.No. 40003881903
VAT Reg.No. LV40003881903
Legal address: 26-46 Albatrosu Street, Riga, LV-1030, Latvia
IBAN: LV95HABA0551015296468
AS Swedbank

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