Communication in the working environment 2 / Telephone conversations

Telephone conversations are a great way to represent an organization, sell services, goods and negotiate. In recent years, telephone communication between the client and the organization has become not only a mechanism for acquiring new clients, but also a mechanism for retaining and servicing clients. In crisis situations, communication over the phone often shapes the customer’s opinion about the service, the product, and the entire organization.


  1. Analysis of conversations and reactions of call recipients
  2. Analysis of telephone conversation from the perspective of cognitive understanding
  3. Use of voice, use of emotions when working with customers
  4. Communication feedback for telephone conversations
  5. Implementation of techniques and strategies in telephone conversations
  6. Communication audit and control
  7. Negative and positive experiences to improve communication


Lektors Andrejs Kozlovs
Andrejs Kozlovs
Manager and public relations specialist experience – more than 13 years, gained while working in such facilities of national importance as Liepaja city concert hall “Lielais Dzintars”, EUROPASS CV, Study in Latvia, etc. Obtained the highest academic degree in behaviourism (University of Vienna), master’s degree in public relations. Since 2005, he has been conducting seminars and trainings for various audiences both in Latvia and elsewhere in the world on improving leadership skills, stress and conflict management, procrastination, optimizing brain activity, building public relations, communication, telemarketing, public speaking, and other topics.

Duration of the seminar: 6 hours

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