Mindset Organization and Productivity

Professional Competence Development Program for Teachers.

Program Goal

By providing teachers with practical tools and knowledge, the program aims to help them manage stress more effectively, improve focus, cultivate positive thinking, and increase productivity while maintaining inner harmony and balance.

Program Objectives
  • Introduce participants to self-awareness and mindset organization techniques.
  • Provide knowledge and skills for conflict prevention and peaceful resolution.
  • Familiarize participants with mindfulness practices, acceptance, and forgiveness.
  • Inform about the importance of brain hygiene and physical well-being for productivity.
  • Teach effective time management and prioritization skills.
  • Promote a positive attitude towards oneself and others, fostering empathy and avoiding judgment.
Expected Outcomes

After completing the program, participants will be able to:

  • manage stress more effectively and maintain inner peace;
  • proactively prevent and peacefully resolve conflicts;
  • apply mindfulness practices to improve emotional well-being;
  • develop a healthy lifestyle that enhances brain function and productivity;
  • plan their time and set priorities to improve work efficiency;
  • maintain a positive attitude towards themselves and others, fostering a supportive work environment.
Training Topics
  1. Self-awareness and mindset organization: explore practical techniques for recognizing thoughts, emotions, and reactions to better manage stress and promote inner peace.
  2. How to avoid conflicts: learn strategies to proactively prevent conflicts and peacefully resolve difficult situations while maintaining respectful communication.
  3. Acceptance, forgiveness, and mindfulness: discover mindfulness practices that help accept oneself and others, let go of past grievances, and focus on the present moment.
  4. Brain hygiene and physical well-being: understand how a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity, and rest influence cognitive abilities and emotional stability.
  5. Work efficiency: do less, achieve more: master time management and prioritization techniques that help accomplish more while reducing stress.
  6. How not to lose yourself and avoid judging others: learn how to avoid self-criticism and develop empathy for others, fostering a positive and supportive environment.
Andrejs Kozlovs

Ieguvis augstāko akadēmisko grādu biheiviorismā (Vīnes universitāte). Vadītāja un sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista pieredze – vairāk kā 13 gadi. Kopš 2005.gada vada seminārus un treniņus visdažādākajām auditorijām gan Latvijā, gan citur pasaulē.

Obtained the highest academic degree in behaviorism (University of Vienna), master’s degree in public relations.
Since 2005, he has been conducting seminars and trainings for various audiences both in Latvia and elsewhere in the world on stress and conflict management, procrastination, optimizing brain activity, communication, public speaking, and other topics.

Duration of the seminar: 8 hours
This seminar can be conducted in Latvian, English or Russian.
Find out the price for corporate training in a company/institution
To find out the seminar costs, please fill out this form, or email pacagenda@pacagenda.lv, or call the phone number +371 22010175.
Step 1. Seminar selection and description of the technical means.
Find out the price for corporate training in a company/institution
To find out the seminar costs, please fill out this form, or email pacagenda@pacagenda.lv, or call the phone number +371 22010175.
Step 1. Seminar selection and description of the technical means.
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