MS Excel (Practical and Specific about the Most Commonly Used Functions)


Excel course online/remotely or in-person. Excel for accountants, project managers, and other interested individuals.

In this course, each participant is provided with an individual approach, and all their questions are addressed. Therefore, the number of participants in each group is limited, and the training takes place in small groups.

In our opinion, without this individualised approach, such training loses its purpose and might as well be replaced by using the Microsoft Help feature.

The course provides information on carefully tested Excel tools, refined over decades and tailored to the needs of 21st-century users, their prior experience, and emerging demands.

The topics in this course are arranged from the easiest to the most complex. For example, before working with the VLOOKUP function, it is logical that the student knows how to round numbers, perform basic calculations, use filters, and remove formatting.

Each module also includes dedicated time for questions and additional inquiries that may arise during the training.

The sessions will take place online. Before each section, participants will receive a working file, and during the session, they will complete tasks under the instructor’s guidance.*

Part 1:
Essential Excel Functions

  • Compatibility Mode
  • Print settings
  • Freeze Panes; Gridlines
  • Basic calculations – SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT
  • Rounding – ROUND
  • Absolute Reference ($F$4)
  • Date formats

Part 2:
Introduction (~20 minutes)
The introduction of this section will be dedicated to assessing participants’ knowledge levels and helping them “connect” to the essence of Excel.

Data Processing Tools I

  • Table tools
  • Manual grouping
  • Text splitting into columns
  • Removing duplicates
  • Text functions
  • Date functions

Part 3:
Data Processing Tools II

  • Filters
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Data Validation (DropDown) + INDIRECT
  • Named Ranges (Name Manager)

Part 4:

Part 5:
IF (logical function)

Part 6:
Pivot Tables

For online training, it is recommended to have two devices and/or two monitors. One device can be used for Zoom, where you listen to the instructor, and the other for hands-on activities and completing tasks. For example, you can use your phone to join Zoom and listen to the lecture while completing tasks on your computer. This is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended for more convenient learning.
**The instructor will use Microsoft Excel during the sessions. Other versions of Excel (Libero, Apple, etc.) may differ.

Duration of each part: 1.5–2 hours

(Depending on the number of questions from participants)

No more than 14 participants per group!

Aija Virse

An information technology lecturer with over 20 years of experience in adult education at various levels and formats, gained through participation in both large and small-scale projects.

Thanks to the sharp winds of Liepāja, the instructor holds an academic master’s degree in computer science, further complemented by a professional master’s degree in psychology. This combination ensures that every session led by the instructor is dynamic, enriching for user experience, and insightful. The primary requirement is the trainee’s motivation and willingness to learn—everything else will be taken care of by the instructor.

The most in-demand lecture topics include Microsoft Office applications: Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word. Wondering which version of MS Office? – Any from 1997 to O365 and beyond.

FEEDBACK on previous seminars led by Aija:

“I’ve found exactly what I was looking for – ‘MS EXCEL practical and specific’! I recommend it to everyone interested, as it’s truly practical and specific! Thank you, PAC Agenda, especially the course instructor Aija Virse.”

“Thank you for the effort you put in and for the ‘dessert’ at the end, which will be very useful in daily tasks!”

“Very skillfully prepared and delivered sessions. I learned a lot of new things and discovered various tips and tricks that I can apply in my work to complete tasks more efficiently. The tasks were very well-thought-out, and the inclusion of homework assignments helped confirm the application of the knowledge gained in independent work.”

“These are excellent courses. You can definitely learn many new and important ‘features’ to work with Excel more successfully. I’m genuinely glad I had the chance to participate in these training sessions and highly recommend them to others!”

More feedback available here

Find out the price for corporate training in a company/institution
To find out the seminar costs, please fill out this form, or email, or call the phone number +371 22010175.
Step 1. Seminar selection and description of the technical means.
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