Compensation and Motivation Systems in Personnel Management


This seminar offers innovative methods and in-depth insights into how to create an effective compensation system and enhance motivation to achieve higher employee engagement and job satisfaction.

It takes into account individual, generational, and gender differences.

Part 1. Employee Compensation Systems and Motivation Approaches
  1. Financial and non-financial motivation
  2. The impact of performance-based compensation on employee productivity
  3. Compensation management and employee satisfaction
  4. Principles of effective compensation systems – organizational case studies
Part 2. Developing Internal and External Motivation
  1. Practical steps for creating motivation systems based on neuroscience discoveries
  2. Dependence on external motivation and its consequences
  3. Brain response to internal and external rewards
  4. Biological foundations of internal and external motivation
  5. Developing internal motivation in the workplace
Part 3. Compensation Systems: Differences Between Genders and Generations
  1. Improving brain function through tailored workplace motivation systems
  2. Differences in cognitive and emotional reward systems between men and women
  3. The role of hormones and neurotransmitters in reward perception and work performance
  4. The impact of compensation and motivation systems on different generations: from Baby Boomers to Gen Z
  5. Brain structure and motivation system differences between genders

This seminar will help managers:

  • Develop an effective compensation and motivation strategy based on scientific research
  • Understand employee needs, considering their individual motivation systems and brain function
  • Build a team and organizational culture that fosters internal motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction

The seminar is designed for company executives, HR specialists, personnel managers, and team leaders who aim to improve employee motivation and develop effective compensation systems while considering individual and generational differences.


Andrejs Kozlovs

Obtained the highest academic degree in behaviorism (University of Vienna). Manager and public relations specialist experience – more than 13 years.

Duration of the course: 6 hours
This course can be conducted in Latvian, English or Russian.
REVIEWS of Andrejs’ Previous Seminars:

«This is definitely one of the most interesting seminars I have attended. I really appreciated how theoretical topics were connected to real-life examples, and the presentations included references to authors and methodologies, allowing for deeper exploration of the subject. Since attending the seminar, I have started analyzing my colleagues’ and clients’ communication styles to practice recognizing and applying what I learned. Thank you!»

«A very engaging webinar that is worth listening to for everyone, as much of what was discussed can be applied to oneself and helps to understand why things happen the way they do. Thank you to the lecturer for explaining complex brain processes with simple and relatable examples. The only thing I would advise is not to listen to this webinar while working, as I did—it’s difficult to jump back into the topic, and unfortunately, some information gets lost.»

«Thank you, it was a valuable webinar. The lecturer was knowledgeable and explained the processes with clear real-life examples.»

More reviews here


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Find out the price for corporate training in a company/institution
To find out the seminar costs, please fill out this form, or email, or call the phone number +371 22010175.
Step 1. Seminar selection and description of the technical means.
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