Employee evaluation and training


Selection of employees and their evaluation in many organisations is one of the most important elements for building relations as employees and managers wish to be evaluated objectively and based on their abilities, performance and devotion. Many organisations face challenges in this area due to the lack of specialists or means and energy for the performance of this work.

The systems of remuneration are not always able to guarantee employee satisfaction and often a salary guarantees safety, and its movement raises employees’ stress level or raises overall discontent.

One of the challenges is the formation of a training program as not only practical competencies are needed to perform one’s duties, but also an ability to learn, change behaviour and follow a positive routine.

  1. introduction to the evaluation of employees and progress analysis;
  2. employee evaluation scaling and introduction of employee self-assessment routine;
  3. employee and management progress management;
  4. employee remuneration systems;
  5. selection of pieces of training based on employees’ behavior and abilities.

The seminar is intended for managers, HR professionals, project managers, educators, Scrum Masters, Product Owners, marketing project managers, digital project managers, and other interested individuals.


Andrejs Kozlovs

Manager and public relations specialist experience – more than 13 years, gained while working in such facilities of national importance as Liepaja city concert hall “Lielais Dzintars”, EUROPASS CV, Study in Latvia, etc.
Obtained the highest academic degree in behaviorism (University of Vienna), master’s degree in public relations.
Since 2005, he has been conducting seminars and trainings for various audiences both in Latvia and elsewhere in the world on improving leadership skills, stress and conflict management, procrastination, optimizing brain activity, building public relations, communication, telemarketing, public speaking, and other topics.

Duration of the seminar: 3 hours
This seminar can be conducted in Latvian, English or Russian.
Find out the price for corporate training in a company/institution
To find out the seminar costs, please fill out this form, or email pacagenda@pacagenda.lv, or call the phone number +371 22010175.
Step 1. Seminar selection and description of the technical means.
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