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Self-defence and emotional self-regulation in dealing with manipulative, aggressive and crisis-ridden individuals

Custom seminar

10:00 - 15:00


  1. Unlocking Mindsight: Dive deep into the realm of mindsight, the key to unlocking the mysteries of human behaviour. Gain insights into your own mind and the minds of others, cultivating empathy, and understanding that transcends boundaries.
  2. Emotional Self-Regulation Mastery: Harness the power of emotional self-regulation to become the master of your emotional domain. Learn to navigate the ebbs and flows of your inner world with finesse, understanding triggers, and wielding strategies to maintain equilibrium in any storm.
  3. Strategies for Confronting Challenges: Equip yourself with battle-tested strategies for dealing with manipulative, aggressive, and crisis-ridden individuals. Arm yourself with the knowledge and skills to navigate these challenging encounters with confidence and grace.


10:00 - 15:00
Pasākums Category:



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