SharePoint Capabilities


Get acquainted with the idea of SharePoint, its structure and functionality options, find out what information exchange options are available when cooperating with colleagues using SharePoint.

The course is intended for both those who are already using SharePoint and those who are still planning to use it.


  • SharePoint idea, structure, accesses;
  • SharePoint General Navigation;
  • SharePoint folders and documents; add, delete, search, organize;
  • Tasks assigned and completed;
  • Versions of documents;
  • Customizing a SharePoint page;
  • SharePoint Calendar;
  • Answers to the questions asked.

The course is presented by:

Aija Virse

An IT lecturer having more than 20-years’ experience in various types of training for adults at various levels gained in both major and minor projects.
Thanks to Liepaja’s bitter winds, the lecturer was awarded an academic master’s degree in computer sciences and supplemented it with the professional master’s degree in psychology. Therefore, any classes conducted by the lecturer will go smoothly enriching user experience and leading to new conclusions. The most important is students’ motivation and willingness to learn, and the lecturer is responsible for the rest.
The most demanded topics are Microsoft Office applications: Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word. If You have a question what MS Office version? – any version, starting with 1997 up to O365 and more recent.

Duration of the course: 2 hours

This course can be presented by the lecturer in the Latvian, English or Russian language upon the audience’s request.

There are not more than 14 participants in a group!

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